Wayne County Family and Children First Council
Family Representatives: Stacey Everhard, Jeanne Franklin, Karen Hunt, Renee Jackwood
David Ashley/Ken Kelly, Wayne Co. Board of DD: The mission of the Wayne County Board of Developmental Disabilities, in partnership with enrollees, families, staff, and the community, is to provide choice and options based on individual and family preferences enabling a quality of life satisfying to the individual in learning, living, working, and participation in the community. email: dashley@waynedd.org or kkelly@waynedd.org
Mayor Bob Reynolds/Ashley Hershberger, City of Wooster: Wooster is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Wayne County. The municipality is located in northeastern Ohio approximately 50 mi SSW of Cleveland and 35 mi SW of Akron. Wooster is noted as the location of The College of Wooster. email: mayor@woosteroh.com
Nicholas Cascarelli, Wayne FCFC Chair 2024, Wayne Co. Health Department: The Wayne County Health Department safeguards the health of its residents by: Promoting healthy lifestyles through education, Preventing and monitoring disease, Protecting and preparing against environmental public health risks email: ncascarelli@wayne-health.org
Monica Kress, Administrative Agent 2024-25, Wayne Co. Children Services: Wayne County Children Services, in partnership with the community, exists to protect abused and neglected children and to strengthen, preserve, and empower families. email: monica.kress2@jfs.ohio.org
Commissioner Jonathan Hofstetter, Wayne FCFC Chair 2025, Wayne Co. Commissioners: County Commissioners hold title to all county property, serve as the sole taxing authority, control county purchasing, and are the budget and appropriating authority for county government. Commissioners have statutory authority to provide water and sewer services, solid waste disposal, to hold hearings on annexations, and are responsible for public assistance work and workforce development. email: commissioners@wayneohio.org
Richard Owens, Wayne Co. Dept. of Jobs and Family Services: To help improve and enrich the lives of those we touch by providing financial, social and educational services; to empower, encourage and assist in every opportunity for self-sufficiency, respect and independence. email: Richard.owens@jfs.ohio.gov
James Fox, Wayne FCFC Vice-Chair 2022 / Kristin Kerr, Community Action/Head Start: From early childhood education to home repair, CAW/M provides an environment of friendly customer service. Head Start programs offer a two-generation approach and work to close the achievement gap that poverty may impact, assisting families in developing and supporting education for their children. Eligible low-income households are assisted through various cost-savings programs, making homes safer, more energy-efficient and affordable. Other services support economic self-sufficiency and independence, addressing self-sufficiency, transportation, food insecurity, employment, prescription assistance and relevant community partnerships that leverage resources. email: jfox@cawm.org or kkerr@cawm.org
Michael Gardner, Ohio Department of Youth Services: The Ohio Department of Youth Services (DYS) is the juvenile corrections system for the state of Ohio. DYS is statutorily mandated to confine felony offenders, ages 10 to 21, who have been adjudicated and committed by one of Ohio’s 88 county juvenile courts. During their stay with DYS, youth are engaged in programming that is designed to address their criminological and behavioral needs. Each of the DYS facilities also operates a year-round school that offers general curriculum as well as vocation opportunities. email: michael.gardner@dys.ohio.gov
Gabe Tudor, Wooster City Schools: The Wooster City School District is the largest school system in the Tri-County (Ashland, Holmes, Wayne) area. Our 4,100 students live in an economically diverse community where the residents are dedicated to ensuring that each and every student achieves success. The school district, located in the heart of Wayne County, is an innovative school district that consists of four PreK-4 elementary schools, an intermediate school for grades 5-7, and our award winning and regionally recognized high school that serves grades 8-12. Wooster High School is home to the Tri-County International Baccalaureate (IB) Academy, 21 College Board Advanced Placement courses, the General’s Academy (digital, blended learning environment) and our new Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) program, Project Lead The Way. email: wstr_gtudor@woostercityschools.org
Jon Ritchie, Tri-County Educational Service Center: Current districts being served by the ESC include: Ashland, Chippewa, East Holmes, Green, Hillsdale, Loudonville-Perrysville, Mapleton, North Central, Northwestern, Orrville, Rittman, Southeast, Triway, West Holmes, Wooster, Ashland-West Homes Career Center, and the Wayne County Career Center. These seventeen school districts can participate in a variety of services that range from the training of substitute teachers and bus drivers to curriculum support and professional development for teachers, administrators and board members. Students can participate in curriculum enhancement activities like the primary day activities for elementary students or attend the International Baccalaureate Program, which is available to high school juniors and seniors. Please feel free to tour the Website and see the many programs coordinated, planned and often delivered by Tri-County ESC staff. email: TESC_JRITCHIE@TCCSA.net
Mark Woods, Anazao Community Partners email: woodsm@anazaocommunitypartners.org
Tiffany Kestner, The Counseling Center email: tkestner@ccwhc.org
Sheryl Villegas, Wayne FCFC Chair 2021 Catholic Charities of Wayne County email: svillegas@ccdocle.org
Sara Reith, OHuddle email: sreith@ohuddle.org
Naomi Eberly, Wayne County Public Library email: neberly@wcpl.info