

United Way of Wayne and Holmes Counties: Family Literacy

Help me Grow: Parenting education to eligible/enrolled participants, "Parenting Attachment, Child Development & Family Strengthening Curriculum"

OCTF The Resilient Family Project is coordinated by Catholic Charities and funded by an Ohio Children’s Trust Fund grant.  It has two components.  Parent Cafes are fun, relaxed gatherings that encourage parent-to-parent learning through sharing, guided small & large group discussion, and reflection on parenting joys and challenges.  Discussion focuses on “protective factors” which have proven to help families stay strong – even under difficult circumstances.  Two-hour parent cafes welcome all parents of children ages 3-18.  Kinship caregivers, single moms, and adoptive parents are especially encouraged to participate in a café experience.   Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) small group discussions are offered on specific topics.  These topics are 1) Managing Fighting and Aggression, 2) Hassle-Free Shopping with Children, 3) Dealing with Disobedience, and 4) Developing Good Bedtime Routines.  This project serves families in Ashland, Holmes, & Wayne counties.  Any person interested in learning more about this program or registering for upcoming events, should contact Catholic Charities at 330-317-1884

The Counseling Center: Helping Children Succeed after Divorce (or other parental separation).

OSU Extension: Many supporting classes currently around nutrition, and financial education.

Wooster City Schools: Everyday Math and Literacy Social Media Organization/study skills Anxiety/bullying and mental health

Wayne County Health Department: WIC offers breastfeeding and nutrition classes

Wayne County Public Library system: Reading to Babies-, Baby, Toddler, 3's Story Times; Baby Sign Language; Come and Play; Fun with Letters; Fun with Words; Fun with Math and Science

Akron Children’s Hospital: Triple P: Positive Parenting Program.

SST9: Sessions for families related to education, with a focus on special education,

Tri County ESC: Special Education

Wayne FCFC: Community Forums on topics of interest to parent such as Anxiety, Bullying and Children; Adolescence; Autism, etc.

Anazao Community Partners: PAIS - group and Individual; Parenting Education

Aspire (ABLE): ESL and adult literacy

Dolly Parton Imagination Library—Orrville United Way/ Orrville Public library