Join us for our Council meeting on Monday, February 3rd at 9:30! Wayne County Public Library in Wooster— agenda and minutes from past meetings can be found under the Committees tab.
Coordination and Collaboration
For the benefit of Wayne County's Children
Wayne County Family and Children First Council helps coordinate services for families with children prenatal through age 24, as a part of the Ohio Family and Children First initiative. Click here to download a brochure.
Since 1986, seven years before Ohio put Family and Children First Councils into Revised Code in 1993, Wayne County has been the catalyst for bringing health and social services organizations together with schools to coordinate and streamline services for families and children.
In 1990, the mission of Wayne County Family and Children First Council was adopted, to "Promote coordination and collaboration among local government, non-profit organizations, businesses and parents for the benefit of Wayne County's Children"
Ohio has identified six Commitments to Child Well Being by which Councils can measure progress. They are:
Expectant Parents and Newborns Will Thrive
Infants and Toddlers Will Thrive
Children Will Be Ready for School
Children and Youth will Succeed in School
Youth will Choose Healthy Behaviors
Youth will Successfully Transition to Adulthood
In 2002, Wayne County added a seventh commitment:
Families and Individuals Will Live in Safe and Supportive Neighborhoods
For more information:
Wayne County Family and Children First Council By-Laws
What we do and Why we do it- Wayne County Family and Children First Council
Find out what Wayne County Family & Children First Council can do to help your Family.